What to do if your back hurts

The colder it is outside, the more time you spend in the office or at home — Hello, lack of exercise and back pain. In order for you to not be so sad and difficult, we tell you what to do. By the way, even if you do not suffer from pain, that is to make everything useful in the prophylactic purposes.


Back pain

Before you do anything, you need to understand the causes of the pain. If it occurs in regular intervals — probably, this is due to the fact that overwhelmed you in Training or simply a lot of time in one Position. Plus, back pain can start due to Stress. Then the following options will help you. Of course you can contact him painkillers and ointments, but behind the recommendations, according to him, better to the doctors.

If constant pain, especially in the lower part — the cause can go to a Problem with the kidneys or sex organs, and it is better to see a doctor. To make it worth it also, if the pain increases when coughing, and sudden movements in the limbs or emits.

The correct Position

You will be surprised, but maybe the cause of your pain is, how you sit at work, and you can remove them in five minutes. Probably, you look at the Monitor from top to bottom — for this reason, start to pain the neck and shoulders. Enough simply low chair to omit or put the Monitor a little higher — for example, placing it on the books. Relief comes after a Minute.

Training in the hall

In the case of back overclocking "blood, stretching pain is very important," and strengthen the muscles. They create a peculiar corset around the spine and help keep your body. You have to train in the hall, under the supervision of specialists. Better choose sports that combine extension and a low physical stress, but without jerky movements.

Pool. Swimming relieves the spine and relieves pain. If you are in the water, they involved the deep layers of muscle, which is very good for strengthening the "corsets". Due to the fact that in this process the whole body, thanks to the swimming simply fitter biased. Yes, and at the end, much nicer to swim as a Puff on the treadmill.

Pilates. A sports, love all that concerned about the health of your back. During the training, they interact with special training devices. In each of them there are elements with springs that do all of the exercises to traction to be very effective.

Training at home


The Problem with the back of the house is not in addition to, you can use the exercises from the course of physiotherapy. Below are a few of those help to relieve Stress.

Increases in the basin. Lie on your back, correct your arms at your sides and raise your hips. In the ideal case, you do it slowly and gradually — easy to round your back when lifting and return to the starting position. Without fanaticism — enough to 15-20 times.

Swallow at the knee. Another exercise that will help stretch the deep muscle — to- swallow, on your knees. First of all, alternately, can Mahi to do Hand and feet — here, too, there is enough 15. Then fix the body in the static to be on as much as possible.

Guy. Stretch to all of the body, including the back. Of course, no one expects them to, that they prevent dangling in the wheel, but Mahi and extension.

Twists. Plus on an extension to add a twist — you can do it, and standing and kneeling. From the positive and the fact that relates not to the back — waist the fire will.


If the forces on the Training you have, before you try, in the ranks of the Fans of the physical stress, a Massage. Just explain to the master of the area in which it hurts and what it has started — so it will be easier to help you. And Yes, it is likely that during the process, you will be hurt, but then you fly out of the Salon on the wings. For example, can the energy in a Wellness-or Massage — it hurts, but the blood is immediately.



Another procedure that helps get rid of pain and improve the body as a whole acupuncture known as acupuncture. This path of liberation from all the diseases appeared in China already in ancient times. It is based on the theory, by us special meridians associated with the organs. And if the communication between the two is disturbed, you begin to ache. So, in the point where something went wrong, placed the needle to this energetic connection.


In the treatment of back of the B-vitamins, especially B1 (benfotiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine) is pain recommended. By the metabolic processes in the nerve improves-roots, and you will feel much better. Optionally, directly to the pharmacy up and running — you can simply make adjustments to your diet. B1 addiction in cabbage, carrots, peanuts, peas, soy beans, oranges, B6, and — in a garlic, walnut, tuna, chicken, salmon, and pistachios.